
Get Started - Quick User Guide

1. Open The App

HashThat is available on any device by using our web version (accessible via app.hashthatpassword.com) or by downloading our free Apple and Android apps. The Apple version is available on the App Store, while the Android version is available on the Google Play Store.

2. Sign Up

Create an account by completing the simple sign up form and entering your strong master password. This ‘master password’ will be the only password you need to remember.

3. Manage Your Password Vault

Using HashThat’s sleek user-friendly design, you can easily manage your password vault – kept secure using leading encryption algorithms (and more).

As shown in the preview, using our app, you can quickly add, view, copy (i.e. not showing your password to people near you), delete and search your organised passwords.

4. Generate Secure Passwords

When using HashThat, you won’t need to remember the individual passwords. Therefore, you can use our password generator to create long, randomized and secure passwords. This simple step will help help you further protect the individual accounts.

Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQ)

Most frequent questions and answers

The password (i.e. master password) is a mandatory field used to access, encrypt and decrypt your data.

The secret key is an optional field used to add an additional layer of encryption to your data. This adds an additional layer of security to your information. Note: To make use of the secret key a subscription is required.


For your security and privacy, only you have access to your ‘master password’ and ‘secret key’. As a result of the security features built within the app, it is impossible for us to ever gain access to them. Therefore, we stress the importance that you never forget your information.

To help you remember your details, we offer you the option of inserting a memory phrase. A memory phrase is an optional value you may use to help you remember your ‘master password’ and ‘secret key’. Through this option, your memory phrase can be sent to the email address associated with your account. This would then help you to unlock the app.

Unfortunately, if you are still unable to access our HashThat account, you will need to create a new account and re-enter all your data.

While using HashThat, all your passwords, descriptions, and assigned categories are encrypted locally (on your device) using your master password and optionally, your secret key. Therefore, only you can decrypt and view your data. Furthermore, to ensure the utmost security for your data, AES-256 bit encryption with PBKDF2 SHA-256 and unique salted hashes per user are used.

HashThat can be used from any device using our web based version found on app.hashthatpassword.com. The application may also be downloaded for free on an Apple or Android (6.0 & Above) device. The Apple version is available on the App Store, while the Android version is available on the Google Play Store.

You may activate your app to the premium-based version by using one of two ways. These are:

Option 1 – Easiest Method

You may purchase a subscription directly from within your app. To do so, simply go to your ‘Settings’ and select the ‘Buy a Subscription’ option.

Option 2

Alternatively, you may also purchase a subscription from our website right here (i.e. no login required). To do so, please follow these steps:

1. Select a subscription you wish to purchase from our list of prices.

2. After clicking the desired subscription, a new page will open (checkout.stripe.com) asking you for payment details. Please make sure you enter a valid email address as your subscription key will be sent to this email.

3. After completing the simple payment process, you will receive an email with your new subscription key.

4. Copy the subscription key and paste it in your app. (‘Settings’ -> ‘Buy a Subscription | Activate Account’ -> ‘Activate Account’)

If your subscription expires, your profile will be automatically downgraded to the ‘Free Version’.

In the event that you had more than 20 passwords, you will only be able to view, edit and update the first 20 passwords. The additional passwords will remain safely locked until a slot is made available or you reactive your premium subscription.